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Virtual 5K Challenge Done

How I got out of my head and kept running.

Well I did it! I completed my virtual 5K on Saturday. I know that may not seem like a huge deal but for me it was something I needed to accomplish. I trained for 30 days at home with my new program, then they made an announcement that they were going to do a virtual 5K to raise money for Hope of the Valley. I decided to wait the extra two weeks to be part of the run. I also thought I should train the extra two weeks to really feel better, I still have to deal with my knee and hip. I will do the last two weeks of the workout calendar over again. Week 1, I went to the park and did my run. Week 2, I was a hot mess. My body was so tight and sore that I couldn't move. I made an appointment with my physical therapist and he told me my body was worse than my first visit. Ugh! When I mean everything was hurting... I would stretch and my body was like NO! So week 2 was a bust but I kept stretching everyday and I told myself I would run my 5K. It's 3.1 miles, I could do that.

The day before my run, I decided to organize a few papers that I had and felt my nose a little itchy.. hmm. I put on my mask and continued to organize and then I swept the floor. That's it, that's all I did. Then suddenly the sneeze attacks started. It wouldn't stop. My nose was stuffy and I took my allergy pill immediately. I had two appointments and I figured this would be good to get out of the house. My nose was stuffy and I couldn't breathe. I headed out, mask on and mouth open. It was such a horrible feeling unable to breathe. I was so worried that people were going to think I was sick. After my first appointment I had some free time and I sat somewhere. I took my mask off so I can breathe. My nose was so stuffy, it was so bad. The allergy pill did nothing for me and this was the second time this medicine failed me. I resorted to the only thing I had in my cabinet and took a Dayquil before bed. I tried to sleep early to I could get a head start on my morning. The park gets too crowded on Saturday and I wanted to be there by 6:30AM so I can get it over with. I bought a streamer from Dollar Tree and thought it would make a perfect faux finish line. I didn't now how I was going to set it up since I was by myself but I was going to figure it out. I couldn't wake up at the time I set. I kept forcing myself to open my eyes. It was 7AM and I got up. My nose was no longer stuffy but it was burning so much. I made a commitment to myself and not to mention that I posted all over my instagram that I was going to do my 5K.

I took my pre-workout, warmed up and headed to the park at 8AM. It was already full with people. The track was empty so that helped a little. I turned on my Fitbit tracker, put on one of the virtual training runs and just started. At first I was like okay I got this, my nose is burning but the mask is by my chin since no one is around and at least I would be able to feel breeze on my face. It was a steady run then when I hit my first mile, my stomach said hello. Nah! Don't do this! Sometimes my pre-workout kicks starts my digestive system and I thought to myself, did I leave the house too soon? So I stopped running and started speed walking. Please don't let this happen. Do I need to run to my apartment? I kept telling myself, it's in your head just walk it off. I took a few breathes and I told my stomach to chill. I did what any mature human would do and ignored the problem. I began to run again, I told myself it's all in your head. I hope! Deep down I was praying I didn't have an accident. I kept listening to my coach in my ear and ran, this particular virtual class was 20 minutes of strides training and at the end we do 20 seconds bursts of higher paces runs. We were getting to the end and the 20 second training began. I told myself to go for it and don't worry about my nose or stomach. Sheesh, I'm a mess. Just put me in a bubble. Boom I did it! Then the program ended. I started to speed walk it so I could grab my phone and replay it. I needed my coach in my ear since I wasn't feeling well and I didn't want my mind to tell me to stop. When I started replaying my Fitbit told me I had hit 2 miles. What? I seriously thought I was nowhere close, that was fast. I ran 2 miles in 20 minutes. Okay! I went for the last mile. My stomach stopped being weird but then suddenly I wanted to puke. I thought to myself, this is not that serious. It's only 3 miles why is my body betraying me. I kept running, then the track started getting a little crowded. More people were showing up and I all I could think about was my finish line. I really wanted to have a mini moment for myself. Keep running girl, it doesn't matter. Suddenly my Fitbit told me I hit 3 miles, only .1 to go but that meant I had to grab my phone to look. But I kept running I ended up doing 3.38 miles since I was so paranoid that I wouldn't hit it.

I stopped the clock and walked it out one more time to cool down. I didn't create my little finish line since there were more people on the track. I set up my camera and ran towards it as I was running off the track just so I could have a little piece of victory. It was my mini moment to shine even if I was by myself. When I set up this goal I did it to make sure I took care of my knee and hip. I also did it to prove that I can still do hard things. I just didn't realize that I was going to do it with a burning nose and my stomach being angry at me. I took a few pictures, jumped on my insta to share with my instafam and went home to cool down. It was such a bittersweet ending. I was looking forward to achieving a new goal and I did. But I am very competitive and I thought to myself what would I have done if I wasn't feeling sick and my stomach didn't betray me? Would I have ran the entire time? Would my time be faster? Would I have done my mini finish line? Sunday came and I was featured in a few posts congratulating me on completing my challenge and goal. I was so grateful and then I thought maybe I should try again. Our fitfam is still raising money for Hope of the Valley and there is going to be collective run on Thanksgiving. I thought maybe I should do it again. Why not? I will see if I really do have what it takes. P.S. I know I have what it takes but I need to challenge myself again. This time I will make sure not to dust, sweep, clean or do anything domestic. I'll also have to make sure to wake up earlier so my pre-workout doesn't make my stomach betray me.


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